office功能强大,是日常办公必备工具!其激活和破解其实可以很简单,使用KMS激活,纯命令行激活,不需要破解工具,没有中毒风险!如何下载office 并激活,自建 KMS 服务器本文全介绍。
零售版(RTL Edition) 指的是官方出售的版本,只能激活一台电脑!享受微软售后技术服务!Retail(零售版也称消费者版,32和64位共用安装包,要转换才能KMS激活)
批量授权版(VOL Edition) 指的是针对企业客户的大批量采购的版本,可用MARK密钥永久激活!(批量版也称商业版或大客户批量授权版,缩写VL或VOL)
Office LTSC 2021 和 Office 2021 的更新历史记录 | Microsoft Docs
如何下载和安装 Office LTSC 2021
Office 部署工具
对于 Windows,Office LTSC 2021 是使用即点即用安装技术安装的。Microsoft 不提供安装程序下载;相反,计算机管理员需要使用 Office 部署工具 (ODT) 来安装 Office LTSC 2021。操作方法如下:
提示:在安装 Office LTSC 2021 之前,您需要卸载 Office 的现有版本。
第 2 步:运行 Office 部署工具 exe 文件进行安装。然后,吃午饭并选择一个文件夹来存储文件。
步骤3: 然后,您可以在该位置看到这些文件。
第4步: 现在,您需要创建configuration.xml
<!-- Office 2021 enterprise client configuration file sample. To be used for Office 2021
enterprise volume licensed products only, including Office 2021 Professional Plus,
Visio 2021, and Project 2021.
Do not use this sample to install Office 365 products.
For detailed information regarding configuration options visit:
To use the configuration file be sure to remove the comments
The following sample allows you to download and install Office 2021 Professional Plus,
Visio 2021 Professional, and Project 2021 Professional directly from the Office CDN.
This configuration file will remove all other Click-to-Run products in order to avoid
product conflicts and ensure successful setup.
<Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="PerpetualVL2021">
<Product ID="ProPlus2021Volume">
<Language ID="zh-CN" />
<Language ID="en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Lync" />
<Product ID="VisioPro2021Volume">
<Language ID="zh-CN" />
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Product ID="ProjectPro2021Volume">
<Language ID="zh-CN" />
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Remove All="True" />
<!-- <RemoveMSI All="True" /> -->
<!-- <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> -->
<!-- <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> -->
./setup.exe /configure .\configuration.xml
- vl版office2021,
均可通过KMS激活 - OInstall.exe可能会被Windows安全中心误报,信任即可。
Office2021 ISO 下载地址合集
KMS激活 Office
cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16"
# kms with port
cscript ospp.vbs /
cscript ospp.vbs /setprt:1688
cscript ospp.vbs /act
# kms
cscript ospp.vbs /
cscript ospp.vbs /act
*32位office2021安装位置 “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16”
- 是否以管理员身份运行的cmd
- office2021的版本是否是vl版,如果是零售版转换到VL版
- office365不支持KMS激活
cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16"
for /f %x in ('dir /b ..\root\Licenses16\ProPlus2021VL_KMS*.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..\root\Licenses16\%x"
32位office2021安装位置 “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16”
KMS 激活 windows
激活 Windows
如果你的 Windows 是 VL 版本,那么只要在管理员权限的 cmd 或者 powershell 中执行下面两个命令就可以了。
slmgr /skms
slmgr /ato
如果不是 VL 版本的,那么需要更换密钥获取你对应版本的 KEY,操作如下:
wmic os get caption
在文末找到对应的 key,在管理员权限的 cmd 或者 powershell 中执行下面命令安装 key:
slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
然后跟上面说的一样设置 kms 服务器地址,激活.
slmgr.vbs /upk
slmgr /ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
slmgr /skms
slmgr /ato
Win11 LTSC 2024 下载与KMS 激活
Win11企业版 2024 长期服务版 (Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024) 提供长达 10 年的支持服务,支持至 2034 年。
它可视为官方推出的精简版 Win11,系统稳定流畅,对电脑硬件的要求较低,适合性能有限的设备。用户可以通过数字权利实现永久激活。
LTSC 版本去除了应用商店、微软小娜(Cortana)、OneDrive,并且 Windows 更新提供了更多高级设置,用户可选择性安装系统更新,极大提升了系统的可控性和定制化。
Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC 2024 官方简体中文正式版ISO镜像下载地址
zh-cn_windows_11_enterprise_ltsc_2024_x64_dvd_cff9cd2d.iso(4.92G)SHA: 2CB21649590C8CF770CD93556596DFF4FD800F24D267A9BE9D9CE0EE9E03F5AC
Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC 2024 英文版官方下载 【点击下载 】
1、Rufus 【官方下载】
2、Ventoy 【官方下载】
跳过TPM2 验证 在安装命令后面添加 /product server
Windows 11 2024 LTSC 长期服务版 KMS 官方密钥获取:
slmgr -ipk 这里填写视频里演示的密钥
slmgr -ipk M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D
slmgr -skms
slmgr -skms
slmgr -ato
slmgr -dlv
DISM.exe /Online /Set-ReservedStorageState /State:Disabled
KMS 服务器列表
Windows VL 密钥对照表
Windows Server 2022
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter | WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33 |
Windows Server 2022 Standard | VDYBN-27WPP-V4HQT-9VMD4-VMK7H |
Windows Server 版本 20H2、2004、1909、1903 和 1809
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Server Datacenter | 6NMRW-2C8FM-D24W7-TQWMY-CWH2D |
Windows Server Standard | N2KJX-J94YW-TQVFB-DG9YT-724CC |
Windows Server 版本 1803
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Server Datacenter | 2HXDN-KRXHB-GPYC7-YCKFJ-7FVDG |
Windows Server Standard | PTXN8-JFHJM-4WC78-MPCBR-9W4KR |
Windows Server 版本 1709
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Server Datacenter | 6Y6KB-N82V8-D8CQV-23MJW-BWTG6 |
Windows Server Standard | DPCNP-XQFKJ-BJF7R-FRC8D-GF6G4 |
Windows Server 2019
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter | WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG |
Windows Server 2019 Standard | N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C |
Windows Server 2019 Essentials | WVDHN-86M7X-466 P 6-VHXV7-YY726 |
Windows Server 2016
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter | CB7KF-BWN84-R7R2Y-793K2-8XDDG |
Windows Server 2016 Standard | WC2BQ-8NRM3-FDDYY-2BFGV-KHKQY |
Windows Server 2016 Essentials | JCKRF-N37P4-C2D82-9YXRT-4M63B |
Windows 10 Core (可用于激活windonws10家庭版,由网友Cyril Chan提供,在此衷心感谢)
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Win 10 Core (可用于激活win10家庭版) | TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99 |
Win 10 CoreN (可用于激活win10家庭版) | 3KHY7-WNT83-DGQKR-F7HPR-844BM |
Win 10 CoreSingleLanguage (可用于激活win10家庭版) | 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH |
Win 10 CoreCountrySpecific (可用于激活win10家庭版) | PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR |
Windows 10 , Windows 11 通用
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows 10 Professional (Windows 10 专业版) Windows 11 Professional (Windows 11 专业版) | W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX |
Windows 10 Professional N (Windows 10 专业版 N) Windows 11 Professional N (Windows 11 专业版 N) | MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9 |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (Windows 10 专业工作站版) Windows 11 Pro for Workstations (Windows 11 专业工作站版) | NRG8B-VKK3Q-CXVCJ-9G2XF-6Q84J |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations N (Windows 10 专业工作站版 N) Windows 11 Pro for Workstations N (Windows 11 专业工作站版 N) | 9FNHH-K3HBT-3W4TD-6383H-6XYWF |
Windows 10 Pro Education (Windows 10 专业教育版) Windows 11 Pro Education (Windows 11 专业教育版) | 6TP4R-GNPTD-KYYHQ-7B7DP-J447Y |
Windows 10 Pro Education N (Windows 10 专业教育版 N) Windows 11 Pro Education N (Windows 11 专业教育版 N) | YVWGF-BXNMC-HTQYQ-CPQ99-66QFC |
Windows 10 Education (Windows 10 教育版) Windows 11 Education (Windows 11 教育版) | NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2 |
Windows 10 Education N (Windows 10 教育版 N) Windows 11 Education N (Windows 11 教育版 N) | 2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ |
Windows 10 Enterprise (Windows 10 企业版) Windows 11 Enterprise (Windows 11 企业版) | NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43 |
Windows 10 Enterprise N (Windows 10 企业版 N) Windows 11 Enterprise N (Windows 11 企业版 N) | DPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4 |
Windows 10 Enterprise G (Windows 10 企业版 G) Windows 11 Enterprise G (Windows 11 企业版 G) | YYVX9-NTFWV-6MDM3-9PT4T-4M68B |
Windows 10 Enterprise G N (Windows 10 企业版 G N) Windows 11 Enterprise G N (Windows 11 企业版 G N) | 44RPN-FTY23-9VTTB-MP9BX-T84FV |
Windows 10(LTSC/LTSB 版本)
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (Windows 10 企业版 2015 LTSB) | WNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9 |
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N (Windows 10 企业版 2015 LTSB N) | 2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJ |
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (Windows 10 企业版 LTSB 2016) | DCPHK-NFMTC-H88MJ-PFHPY-QJ4BJ |
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSB 2016 (Windows 10 企业版 N LTSB 2016) | QFFDN-GRT3P-VKWWX-X7T3R-8B639 |
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 (Windows 10 企业版 LTSC 2019) | M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D |
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2019 (Windows 10 企业版 N LTSC 2019) | 92NFX-8DJQP-P6BBQ-THF9C-7CG2H |
Windows Server 2012 R2 和 Windows 8.1
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows 8.1 Professional | GCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9 |
Windows 8.1 Professional N | HMCNV-VVBFX-7HMBH-CTY9B-B4FXY |
Windows 8.1 Enterprise | MHF9N-XY6XB-WVXMC-BTDCT-MKKG7 |
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N | TT4HM-HN7YT-62K67-RGRQJ-JFFXW |
Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard | D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX |
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter | W3GGN-FT8W3-Y4M27-J84CP-Q3VJ9 |
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials | KNC87-3J2TX-XB4WP-VCPJV-M4FWM |
Windows Server 2012 和 Windows 8
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows 8 Professional | NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4 |
Windows 8 Professional N | XCVCF-2NXM9-723PB-MHCB7-2RYQQ |
Windows 8 Enterprise | 32JNW-9KQ84-P47T8-D8GGY-CWCK7 |
Windows 8 Enterprise N | JMNMF-RHW7P-DMY6X-RF3DR-X2BQT |
Windows Server 2012 | BN3D2-R7TKB-3YPBD-8DRP2-27GG4 |
Windows Server 2012 N | 8N2M2-HWPGY-7PGT9-HGDD8-GVGGY |
Windows Server 2012 Single Language | 2WN2H-YGCQR-KFX6K-CD6TF-84YXQ |
Windows Server 2012 Country Specific | 4K36P-JN4VD-GDC6V-KDT89-DYFKP |
Windows Server 2012 Server Standard | XC9B7-NBPP2-83J2H-RHMBY-92BT4 |
Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Standard | HM7DN-YVMH3-46JC3-XYTG7-CYQJJ |
Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Premium | XNH6W-2V9GX-RGJ4K-Y8X6F-QGJ2G |
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter | 48HP8-DN98B-MYWDG-T2DCC-8W83P |
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows 7 Professional | FJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4 |
Windows 7 Professional N | MRPKT-YTG23-K7D7T-X2JMM-QY7MG |
Windows 7 Professional E | W82YF-2Q76Y-63HXB-FGJG9-GF7QX |
Windows 7 Enterprise | 33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH |
Windows 7 Enterprise N | YDRBP-3D83W-TY26F-D46B2-XCKRJ |
Windows 7 Enterprise E | C29WB-22CC8-VJ326-GHFJW-H9DH4 |
Windows Server 2008 R2 Web | 6TPJF-RBVHG-WBW2R-86QPH-6RTM4 |
Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC edition | TT8MH-CG224-D3D7Q-498W2-9QCTX |
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard | YC6KT-GKW9T-YTKYR-T4X34-R7VHC |
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise | 489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y |
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter | 74YFP-3QFB3-KQT8W-PMXWJ-7M648 |
Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems | GT63C-RJFQ3-4GMB6-BRFB9-CB83V |
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
操作系统 | KMS 激活序列号 |
Windows Vista Business | YFKBB-PQJJV-G996G-VWGXY-2V3X8 |
Windows Vista Business N | HMBQG-8H2RH-C77VX-27R82-VMQBT |
Windows Vista Enterprise | VKK3X-68KWM-X2YGT-QR4M6-4BWMV |
Windows Vista Enterprise N | VTC42-BM838-43QHV-84HX6-XJXKV |
Windows Web Server 2008 | WYR28-R7TFJ-3X2YQ-YCY4H-M249D |
Windows Server 2008 Standard | TM24T-X9RMF-VWXK6-X8JC9-BFGM2 |
Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-V | W7VD6-7JFBR-RX26B-YKQ3Y-6FFFJ |
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise | YQGMW-MPWTJ-34KDK-48M3W-X4Q6V |
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V | 39BXF-X8Q23-P2WWT-38T2F-G3FPG |
Windows Server 2008 HPC | RCTX3-KWVHP-BR6TB-RB6DM-6X7HP |
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter | 7M67G-PC374-GR742-YH8V4-TCBY3 |
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V | 22XQ2-VRXRG-P8D42-K34TD-G3QQC |
Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems | 4DWFP-JF3DJ-B7DTH-78FJB-PDRHK |
Office GVLK 对照表
Office LTSC 2021
产品 | GVLK |
Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021 | FXYTK-NJJ8C-GB6DW-3DYQT-6F7TH |
Office LTSC Standard 2021 | KDX7X-BNVR8-TXXGX-4Q7Y8-78VT3 |
Project Professional 2021 | FTNWT-C6WBT-8HMGF-K9PRX-QV9H8 |
Project Standard 2021 | J2JDC-NJCYY-9RGQ4-YXWMH-T3D4T |
Visio LTSC Professional 2021 | KNH8D-FGHT4-T8RK3-CTDYJ-K2HT4 |
Visio LTSC Standard 2021 | MJVNY-BYWPY-CWV6J-2RKRT-4M8QG |
Access LTSC 2021 | WM8YG-YNGDD-4JHDC-PG3F4-FC4T4 |
Excel LTSC 2021 | NWG3X-87C9K-TC7YY-BC2G7-G6RVC |
Outlook LTSC 2021 | C9FM6-3N72F-HFJXB-TM3V9-T86R9 |
PowerPoint LTSC 2021 | TY7XF-NFRBR-KJ44C-G83KF-GX27K |
Publisher LTSC 2021 | 2MW9D-N4BXM-9VBPG-Q7W6M-KFBGQ |
Skype for Business LTSC 2021 | HWCXN-K3WBT-WJBKY-R8BD9-XK29P |
Word LTSC 2021 | TN8H9-M34D3-Y64V9-TR72V-X79KV |
Office 2019
产品 | GVLK |
Office Professional Plus 2019 | NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP |
Office Standard 2019 | 6NWWJ-YQWMR-QKGCB-6TMB3-9D9HK |
Project Professional 2019 | B4NPR-3FKK7-T2MBV-FRQ4W-PKD2B |
Project Standard 2019 | C4F7P-NCP8C-6CQPT-MQHV9-JXD2M |
Visio Professional 2019 | 9BGNQ-K37YR-RQHF2-38RQ3-7VCBB |
Visio Standard 2019 | 7TQNQ-K3YQQ-3PFH7-CCPPM-X4VQ2 |
Access 2019 | 9N9PT-27V4Y-VJ2PD-YXFMF-YTFQT |
Excel 2019 | TMJWT-YYNMB-3BKTF-644FC-RVXBD |
Outlook 2019 | 7HD7K-N4PVK-BHBCQ-YWQRW-XW4VK |
PowerPoint 2019 | RRNCX-C64HY-W2MM7-MCH9G-TJHMQ |
Publisher 2019 | G2KWX-3NW6P-PY93R-JXK2T-C9Y9V |
Skype for Business 2019 | NCJ33-JHBBY-HTK98-MYCV8-HMKHJ |
Word 2019 | PBX3G-NWMT6-Q7XBW-PYJGG-WXD33 |
Office 2016
产品 | GVLK |
Office Professional Plus 2016 | XQNVK-8JYDB-WJ9W3-YJ8YR-WFG99 |
Office Standard 2016 | JNRGM-WHDWX-FJJG3-K47QV-DRTFM |
Project Professional 2016 | YG9NW-3K39V-2T3HJ-93F3Q-G83KT |
Project Standard 2016 | GNFHQ-F6YQM-KQDGJ-327XX-KQBVC |
Visio Professional 2016 | PD3PC-RHNGV-FXJ29-8JK7D-RJRJK |
Visio Standard 2016 | 7WHWN-4T7MP-G96JF-G33KR-W8GF4 |
Access 2016 | GNH9Y-D2J4T-FJHGG-QRVH7-QPFDW |
Excel 2016 | 9C2PK-NWTVB-JMPW8-BFT28-7FTBF |
OneNote 2016 | DR92N-9HTF2-97XKM-XW2WJ-XW3J6 |
Outlook 2016 | R69KK-NTPKF-7M3Q4-QYBHW-6MT9B |
PowerPoint 2016 | J7MQP-HNJ4Y-WJ7YM-PFYGF-BY6C6 |
Publisher 2016 | F47MM-N3XJP-TQXJ9-BP99D-8K837 |
Skype for Business 2016 | 869NQ-FJ69K-466HW-QYCP2-DDBV6 |
Word 2016 | WXY84-JN2Q9-RBCCQ-3Q3J3-3PFJ6 |
Office 2013
产品 | GVLK |
Office 2013 Professional Plus | YC7DK-G2NP3-2QQC3-J6H88-GVGXT |
Office 2013 Standard | KBKQT-2NMXY-JJWGP-M62JB-92CD4 |
Project 2013 Professional | FN8TT-7WMH6-2D4X9-M337T-2342K |
Project 2013 Standard | 6NTH3-CW976-3G3Y2-JK3TX-8QHTT |
Visio 2013 Professional | C2FG9-N6J68-H8BTJ-BW3QX-RM3B3 |
Visio 2013 Standard | J484Y-4NKBF-W2HMG-DBMJC-PGWR7 |
Access 2013 | NG2JY-H4JBT-HQXYP-78QH9-4JM2D |
Excel 2013 | VGPNG-Y7HQW-9RHP7-TKPV3-BG7GB |
InfoPath 2013 | DKT8B-N7VXH-D963P-Q4PHY-F8894 |
Lync 2013 | 2MG3G-3BNTT-3MFW9-KDQW3-TCK7R |
OneNote 2013 | TGN6P-8MMBC-37P2F-XHXXK-P34VW |
Outlook 2013 | QPN8Q-BJBTJ-334K3-93TGY-2PMBT |
PowerPoint 2013 | 4NT99-8RJFH-Q2VDH-KYG2C-4RD4F |
Publisher 2013 | PN2WF-29XG2-T9HJ7-JQPJR-FCXK4 |
Word 2013 | 6Q7VD-NX8JD-WJ2VH-88V73-4GBJ7 |
Office 2010
产品 | GVLK |
Office Professional Plus 2010 | VYBBJ-TRJPB-QFQRF-QFT4D-H3GVB |
Office Standard 2010 | V7QKV-4XVVR-XYV4D-F7DFM-8R6BM |
Access 2010 | V7Y44-9T38C-R2VJK-666HK-T7DDX |
Excel 2010 | H62QG-HXVKF-PP4HP-66KMR-CW9BM |
SharePoint Workspace 2010 | QYYW6-QP4CB-MBV6G-HYMCJ-4T3J4 |
InfoPath 2010 | K96W8-67RPQ-62T9Y-J8FQJ-BT37T |
OneNote 2010 | Q4Y4M-RHWJM-PY37F-MTKWH-D3XHX |
Outlook 2010 | 7YDC2-CWM8M-RRTJC-8MDVC-X3DWQ |
PowerPoint 2010 | RC8FX-88JRY-3PF7C-X8P67-P4VTT |
Project Professional 2010 | YGX6F-PGV49-PGW3J-9BTGG-VHKC6 |
Project Standard 2010 | 4HP3K-88W3F-W2K3D-6677X-F9PGB |
Publisher 2010 | BFK7F-9MYHM-V68C7-DRQ66-83YTP |
Word 2010 | HVHB3-C6FV7-KQX9W-YQG79-CRY7T |
Visio Standard 2010 | 767HD-QGMWX-8QTDB-9G3R2-KHFGJ |
Visio Professional 2010 | 7MCW8-VRQVK-G677T-PDJCM-Q8TCP |
Visio Premium 2010 | D9DWC-HPYVV-JGF4P-BTWQB-WX8BJ |
KMS服务器(Key Management Service)主要用于管理和激活微软的Windows操作系统和Office软件。如果不放心网络上面的 KMS 服务器,可以自建 KMS 服务器!
宝塔面板 - 软件商店 - Docker管理器 3.9.1 - 安装
docker pull teddysun/kms
docker run -d -p 1688:1688 --name kms --restart=always teddysun/kms

打开PING网站,输入 你的服务器IP:1688
然后点击 Go 按钮