



Search for PATTERN in each source file in the tree from the current directory on down. If any files or directories are specified, then only those files and directories are checked. ack may also search STDIN, but only if no file or directory arguments are specified, or if one of them is -.

Default switches may be specified in the ACK_OPTIONS environment variable or an .ackrc file. If you want no dependency on the environment, turn it off with --noenv.


 ack -i select


-i, --ignore-case

Ignore case distinctions in pattern


Ignore case distinctions in pattern, but only if pattern contains no upper case

Ignored if -i is specified.

-v, --invert-match

Invert match: select non-matching lines

-w, --word-regexp

Force pattern to match only whole words

-Q, --literal

Quote all metacharacters: pattern is literal

Search Output

File Presentation


Pipe all ack output through COMMAND

For example, --pager="less -R". Ignored if output is redirected.


Do not send output through a pager

Cancels any setting in ~/.ackrc, ACK_PAGER or ACK_PAGER_COLOR.


Print a filename heading above each file's results

The default is on, when used interactively.


Print a break between results from different files

The default is on, when used interactively.


Same as --heading --break


Same as --noheading --nobreak


Highlight the matching text

The default is on unless output is redirected, or on Windows.


Set color for filenames


Set color for matches


Set color for line numbers


Same as --[no]color


Flush output immediately, even when ack is used non-interactively (when output goes to a pipe or file)

File Finding


Only print the files selected, without searching

The PATTERN must not be specified.


Same as -f, but only select files matching PATTERN


Sort the found files lexically


Show which types each file has

File Inclusion and Exclusion


Add or remove directory from the list of ignored directories


Synonym for --ignore-dir


Add filter for ignoring files

-r, -R, --recurse

Recurse into subdirectories

This is ack's default behavior.

-n, --no-recurse

No descending into subdirectories


Follow symlinks

Default is off.

-k, --known-types

Include only files with types that ack recognizes


Include only files with the filetype X


Exclude files with the filetype X

See ack --help-types for supported filetypes.



Ignore environment variables and global ackrc files


Specify an ackrc file to use


Ignore the default definitions that ack includes


Outputs a default ackrc for your customization to standard output

--help, -?

Display help


Display all known types


Dump information on which options are loaded from which RC files


Force ack to treat standard input as a pipe (--filter) or tty (--nofilter)


Man page


Display version and copyright


Bill the Cat


The warning admiral

File Type Specification


Files with the given FILTERARGS applied to the given FILTER are recognized as being of type TYPE. This replaces an existing definition for type TYPE


Files with the given FILTERARGS applied to the given FILTER are recognized as being of type TYPE

--type-del TYPE

Remove all filters associated with TYPE

File Types


.as, .mxml


.ada, .adb, .ads


.asm, .s




.master, .ascx, .asmx, .aspx, .svc


.bat, .cmd


.c, .h, .xs


.cfc, .cfm, .cfml




CMakeLists.txt, .cmake




.cpp, .cc, .cxx, .m, .hpp, .hh, .h, .hxx








.pas, .int, .dfm, .nfm, .dof, .dpk, .dproj, .groupproj, .bdsgroup, .bdsproj




.ex, .exs


.erl, .hrl


.f, .f77, .f90, .f95, .f03, .for, .ftn, .fpp




.groovy, .gtmpl, .gpp, .grunit, .gradle


.hs, .lhs




.htm, .html


.java, .properties






.jsp, .jspx, .jhtm, .jhtml




.lisp, .lsp


.lua, first line matches /^#!.*\blua(jit)?/


.mk, .mak, makefile, Makefile, GNUmakefile




.mkd, .md


.m, .h


.mm, .h


.ml, .mli


.pir, .pasm, .pmc, .ops, .pod, .pg, .tg


.pl, .pm, .pod, .t, .psgi, first line matches /^#!.*\bperl/




.php, .phpt, .php3, .php4, .php5, .phtml, first line matches /^#!.*\bphp/


.pt, .cpt, .metadata, .cpy, .py




.py, first line matches /^#!.*\bpython/






.rb, .rhtml, .rjs, .rxml, .erb, .rake, .spec, Rakefile, first line matches /^#!.*\bruby/




.sass, .scss




.scm, .ss


.sh, .bash, .csh, .tcsh, .ksh, .zsh, .fish, first line matches /^#!.*\b(?:ba|t?c|k|z|fi)?sh\b/




.sql, .ctl


.tcl, .itcl, .itk


.tex, .cls, .sty




.tt, .tt2, .ttml


.bas, .cls, .frm, .ctl, .vb, .resx


.v, .vh, .sv


.vhd, .vhdl




.xml, .dtd, .xsl, .xslt, .ent, first line matches /<[?]xml/


.yaml, .yml